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On the Job Hunt!

Hello, World! I'm alive! We just finished our third mini-capstones (building a Java Webapp) at Tech Elevator, and now we're headed into the big one, the final countdown, the end-all, the be-all, the... JOB HUNT And let me tell you it's definitely stressful, but I do feel better prepared than I've ever felt when looking for jobs. I've had mock interviews. I've had resume help. We'll be having short match-making interviews starting next week. I know I'm going to have to do foot-work, but I have more confidence than usual. Now excuse me while I go apply for a million jobs. (Well, maybe not a million quite.) Happy Coding, Miranda P.S. If you're looking for a quick learner who's a test-driven development believer and knows a little something from Java and a little something from Javascript, please give my resume a look-see .

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