On Learning When You Don't Need to Learn Everything at Once

Hello World!

Just finishing up my 8th (8TH!) week of Tech Elevator and only six more weeks to go. I wanted to share a little truth about learning that I've, um, learned in the last few weeks.

I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and I love to learn but I can get frustrated if I don't learn something this very moment in its ABSOLUTE ENTIRETY. Sometimes in the past, this has meant giving up and going home (metaphorically speaking), but then I'd miss out on learning more cool stuff!

The secret I've learned this summer is to recognize when you're getting that feeling and then let it go. You don't have to understand everything at once. Even if it means that at this moment, some of the bigger elements feel like magic, focus on what you know right now, no matter how small, and put it to use. Then learn another piece, and put that to use. Then another piece, and put it to use.

Before you know it, you've got all the pieces and that big frustrating idea that you were so scared of isn't really all the scary at all.

That's all I got for you tonight, dear reader. Go out there and learn a new thing.

Happy Coding,


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